Last-Minute Halloween Fixes

Halloween is just around the corner. Are you ready? If not, don’t panic, we’ve got quick fixes for all your spooky conundrums. Read on to find solutions to four common Halloween frets.

PROBLEM: You Need a Costume

SOLUTION: We’ve got more than a few options for simple, understated, and cute costumes. For instance, pop on this LED Skull Headband and you’re sure to get “glowing” reviews. Want to stay stylish and be festive? Throw on this Rest in Pieces Skeleton Poncho to add a spooky but chic touch to your Halloween festivities.

PROBLEM: You Don’t Have a Treat Bag

SOLUTION: Try one of these: Show up to your couples’ Halloween party with a Vodka is my Candy Bag or this Witch Tote. Headed to a neighborhood block party, toss your essentials into a Day of the Dead Shoulder Bag.

PROBLEM: You Want Your House to Feel Cozy and Festive

SOLUTION: Spread cheer by serving hot chocolate or coffee in these Oh My Gourd Mugs? Or, liven up your front entry or dining table with a few Green Burlap Pumpkins that can easily translate into Thanksgiving décor for November.

PROBLEM: You’re Not Super Into Halloween But Still Want to Participate

SOLUTION: We get it. You don’t have to be over-the-top to enjoy October 31. Keep it subtle and stylish with Halloween Charm Jewelry or a Pumpkin Spice & Chill Hat.