Survive the Snow Days!
For most, snow days conjure up two scenes: the first being that of snowball fights, hot chocolate by the fire, and cuddles on the couch; the second being a house full of cold, hungry family members with a serious case of cabin fever - and all that it entails. If you fall into the second camp, seek solace and comfort from these quick fixes.
For Cold Feet:
Octavia Slipper
No need to putter around the house in old, tired socks. Upgrade your slipper style with a pair of faux fur mules that send a dainty-meets-comfortable message.
For Bored Hands & Minds:
Bad Girls Throughout History

For a Growling Stomach:
Grub Mugs
You really shouldn't have to waste a perfectly good snow day in the kitchen. Cook your meals in these handy mugs (conveniently sold in a set of four) that feature microwavable recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and - our favorite - dessert.
For Thirsty Lips:
How Was Your Day Wine Glass
What's that? School was cancelled for the third time this week. No need to explain, put yourself in the "Don't Ask, Just Pour" category.
For Tired Eyes:
Nap Queen Pillow
When all else fails, rest your eyes. There are few things that a good nap can't cure - and for many people, it's a favorite snow day perk.